What’s this all about?

I draw from the realms of expressive arts therapy, ethical spiritual practice, nature-based works and animism. I’m also someone who sees the need for trauma-informed practices that meet us where we are at in grief, love, and complexity.

This work is about the process more than the outcome. It is not a prescription for how to live life better and faster, or how to concoct the most perfect, flaw-free ceremony. It is: how do we move through life’s seasons with love, connection, and purpose? It’s about what brings life meaning, and how can we nurture and foster that most? It’s about uncovering the wise, knowing, fabulous self who’s been hiding behind the expectations, judgments, or unknowing of others. It’s about finding the nonjudgmental place within to learn to be with life exactly as it is; to find and create safeholds for the difficult, messy, and wondrous times in life that need and deserve our attention and everloving presence to walk us into whatever’s to come next. It’s about finding ground within yourself, and knowing that place - for it is always there for you. It’s about learning to trust the space within that knows, in the presence of another who sees and reflects back to you the innate wisdom you already carry within. It’s about reconnecting to yourself, and the heart of another, this earth. It’s remembering we are all in this together - and that, dearly beloved one, can be it.

Whether looking for support through art, dreamwork, oracle, nature, ceremony, or otherwise, I’m here to be your truthful, present companion along this ride of life.

You’ve got this